
Dedicated Hosting Features

Fully Customizable

Configure your server with a variety of different hardware configurations

Root/Administrative Access

Gain total control over your infrastructure with direct administrative access.

Up to 30TB Bandwidth

Large amounts of data transfer available to handle high traffic loads.

Free Control Panel

Easily manage domain names, websites, and email from an easy to use interface.

Free Server Monitor

Receive live mission critical alerts on your network and server’s status

Various Configurations

Provision your server with various software configurations to fit any need

IPMI / Network Access

Get direct access to the network in case your server is inaccessible.

Tier-1 Class Network

Top-of-the-line technology spread through multi-regional datacenters.

24/7 Hand-Holding Support

We are here 24/7 to help walk you through any of your questions or concerns.

Server & Network Addons

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Control Panels



Load Balancers



Our Network and Datacenters

WebHosting.coop believes in forming the most effeciant and redundant network available. We have partnered with a variety of datacenters in order to maintain multi-datacenter and multi-vendor network redundancy. The majority of our data centers are SAE 16 SAS 70 certified and are equipped with top-of-the-line network technology.

24/7 Technical Support

Member support is our top priority. Unlike traditional web hosting companies that just fix your issues when you have them, we fix your issues and teach you our solutions in order to give you a deeper understanding of why the issue occurred and how to prevent it from happening again in the future. Our team is also available at anytime to answer and discuss any questions or concerns you may have.


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